Thursday, July 2, 2009

ATP and other enirgy rich compoundl are strongs forms of energy When input of energy, for some other biochemical ruction in our body

rich compounds ATP was discoverd by Yallapragharha Subbarao and C Fiske of america and K. Lohmenn of Germany, although the full importance of ATP was first gasped by Lippman (who also discovered CoA) and Engelhard Incidently. Subboarao migrated to Amanca afiar obtaining his MBBS dagree from Kerala. India Subbarao also discovered the synthesis of folic acid in 1944 and thus made medical farm of folic acid a much cheaper object He also discovered the antibiotic aureomycin When, in our body, due To a chemical reaction, free energy is related, The free enepgy is. as already steted Trapped by ATP or some other energy rich compound Theirfore.ATP and other enirgy rich compoundl are strongs forms of energy When input of energy, for some other biochemical ruction in our body will be required, the ATP will braek down hydrolyzed] into- ADP [adenosine dipnosphte ) and Pi (inorganic phosphet). and energy be reased and avialeble doing the work of the biocheirncat rtacl-on Tht following compounds an imporlant rich compounds im biochemetry [i] ATP (detanostine triptosphare), (ii) CP (creatino phosphate, also caked phosphocritatnin). (iii) acily - CoA(coenzyme A), (iv) UTP (uridine triphosphate (v) GTP (guinosme triphosphate) and (vi) CTP (cytosine Triphoate) ADP is also high energy compound, upon hydrolysis yields AMP +Pi ATP is found in large amount chiefly within the mitochondria, cytosol and nucleus. Breakdown and resynthesis of ATP the ATP cycle ATP it thus hydrolyzed {broken down) 10 ADP + Pito release energy. The released energy is unilized for various biochemical riaction almost immtdiitflly theATP it resynthesied The resynthesied occurs by uniting ADP molecule with energy rich phosphate bond (The Pi mentioned above it of low energy, therefore the Pi cannot with the ADP) The energy rich photphate bond is obtained as follow during catabolisms the inorganic phosphatet (low energy] are attached with various intermidiate products of catabolism These phosphaitd intermidiate products sub- sequenliy are further carabolzed, Trading 10 release of free energy, the free energy is (rapped by the above mentioned phosphate bond and in turn becomes high energy {or energy rich) photpftaM bond The energy rich phosphate bond is now relased and enventully unite with ADP to convert it in to ATP This is the ATP cycle Thereforej during catbolism.theanergy relesed (during oration) is partly trappid into phosphate compound and these high energy phosphate are utilised to phoaphorate ADP lo ATP This process is called oxidative phosphorylation In some condition, oxidation and release of energy occurs but that energy is not trapped in phosphate compounds. u that no phosphaterylation of ADP to ATP occurs, such condintion are called. 'uncoupling at oxidative phosphorylation' (See also step 6 of biologic' oxiidation, below Examples of utilization energy from ATP Energy from ATP n requried. (i) in the biosynthesis of protien. fatty acids, normol and many other compound in our body, (a) for pumping out Na+ from witnin the cell or in the tubuler in kidney, (iii) muscular contraction and numeroui other conditioni In addition to Its vital role in energy tranfer, ATP is precursor of cyclic adenosine monophospthate, cAMP BIOLOGICAL OXIDATION oxidation meant any ont of ih* following overts (i) addtton of (ii) removal of hydrogen, or (ii) removal of electrons For example. canvertion of lactic acid (CH3 CHOH COOH) into pyturtc acid (CH3 CO COOH), ferrous iron (F++) into ferric iron [Fe ++) and acetalohye (CH3 CHO) into acitin acid (CH3 COOH) are all exampls of oh Fig .7.2.1. A short version of the process of biolog
in the first instance , there is rimoval of H atoms. removal of electronin the second and addtion of Oxiygen" atom in the third Stricty speaking, all the three example given are really example of electron tranfer, but that may be Commonly, biological oxidation of foodstuff invole the following processes, at molecular level 1 Hydrogen atoms are enzymaticaly amoved form the compound to be oxidized Tha removed H atoms an received by suitable coenzymis like NAD+ (nicotine adenine dinucleotide) or NADP+ (nicotine adinie dinucleotide phosphate, see also Table 7. 1. 1.} The coenzyme (NAD+ or NADP+ it thus reduced and becomes NADH or NADPH 2. Nextly the hydrogen atoms are transferred, again enzymalicaily, to another coenzyme FAD (flavin ademne dinucreotide. see table 7 .1 .1.). and NAD+ (or NADP+) become regentated so that it is ready for caching H atom again FAD however now become reduced, end become FADH 3. From FADH, H atom is transfered to ubiquinone or coenzyms Q (which lipid in nature) The H
atom ionizes here, so That one etactron is lost 'form this H atom The removed electron is tranfared to theCitochrome b Cytochrome b(like the other cytochrome mentioned below] contain iron (Fe+++) which on receviwing the flitra electron linout (Fe ++] iron. that is. it is reduced After losing The electron. H atom become H+ i. e. , a proton and stay thwith the coenzyme 0. 4 From cytochrome "b, the elctron is Transferred to cytochrome 'c' and then from cytochrome 'c'to cytochrome a (therefore. cytochromes 'b' and 'c'become regenerated ) 5 By the action of the enzyme cytochrome the extra electron from cytochrome 'a is transfered to molecular oxiygen, as result of which the mole

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