Monday, August 3, 2009

) Forex Trading Psychology: What Makes A Successful Forex Trader?

The Forex market has changed through the years, growing in volume and expanding across multiple time zones.
Brokerage houses have changed, too, going online with sophisticated software and powerful servers.
Economic indicators and technical analysis have become more sophisticated, too, until the Forex market of today bears little resemblance to what it used to be.
But there’s one thing that hasn’t changed: most traders lose.
Despite all the advances in the Forex marketplace, the ratio of winners to losers remains low. Experts agree that the most hopeful number that can be advanced is a measly 10%, which means that 90% of all traders on any particular day will lose.
Experts also agree that the reason most traders lose is because they allow their emotions to cloud their judgment.

1 comment:

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